Policy. Advocacy. Change.

City Council PASSES revised Food Policy Action Plan on 11/28/17!


Congrats and appreciations to the City of Asheville for passing the revised Food Policy Action Plan at tonight’s City Council meeting!

Many special thanks to the community and city leadership who helped bring this plan to fruition, and to the City’s Office of Sustainability for their leadership. There were many contributors, editors, reviewers, and stakeholders who developed the plan and to each of them we send sincere gratitude for your work not only in shaping this road map, but also for the program and project work that you do on a daily basis that makes ambitious food system reform in our community possible.

HERE is the report that ABFPC prepared for the Office of Sustainability and the City Manager’s office to complete a year long contract from the city to develop recommendations for a revised plan. The report overview and approved plan (included) was incorporated into a revised resolution and recommended priority action steps.

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