Asheville is full of both foodies and folks experiencing food insecurity. This complex city is teeming with fruits, nuts, herbs, and veggies that are often ripe for the picking.
In 2018 Asheville Buncombe Food Policy and Asheville City staff conducted an Asheville edibles inventory to locate and identify edibles on city property. The team, with support from UNCA students, reached out to Public Works, Parks and Recreation, Office of Sustainability, and Real Estate city staff and to community groups familiar with the edibles in our parks and public spaces.
The data gathered from this activity was combined with existing Open Tree Map data in a crowd-source software format to create an Asheville Edibles Story Map. The map draft is now complete with the edible crops we know to be growing on City land. We encourage residents to record their favorite plantings that they would like to share with other city residents (don’t forget the photos!).
The edibles map is public and data points entered should include only those sites that are on your land or on public land. The map can be accessed by phone or computer and photos are encouraged along with descriptions of the edibles on site.
Access the edibles map HERE
Read more about the map in local media if you want more information here and here!
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